Where Are The Moors From
The Moors were from northwest Africa (Morocco, Senegal and other places in the area.
Poland: Mora
France: Moret, Morel, Moricaud
Italy: Moretti, Morelli, Morini and Negra, Negrona, Negrina
Germany: Swartz, Swarte, Schwartz
Holland: Schwarzenberger, swarte, Schwartz
Belgium: de Moor, Moer, Moor von Immersel
Spain Under The Moors
The Moors pulled Spain out of the dark ages. At the time the Moors went into Spain 711ce, Europe had been in its dark ages since 400ce. The Moors brought to State-of-the-arts, old world advancements, while the Spanish were still putting leaches on their patients.
History of the Moors
Translated, these names mean black or the black. When some Moors (Black African conquerors in Spain) converted to Christianity, they took on Christian names and their last name would be ‘the black’ like Kenneth The Black. The Moor.
The Moors controlled various European countries including Spain (Which they controlled for 700 years,) All the Eurocentric historians become silent when Europeans of today put on blackface to represent how the Moors looked.
They do this yearly in their festivals across Europe, celebrating Moorish history on that continent.
America being so far from the old world, can hide from what blacks did in Europe. But Europeans don’t have that luxury, they look around and are reminded who the Moors were by their statues (of captured Moors), products (Moor’s head chocolates), saints (St. Maurice) paintings and tapestries. When people ask, were they black? Have them look-up; Moorish Coat-of-arms in Europe
Were The Moors Black
Black Moors Of Germany
Black Archaeologist uses his time machine to uncover Little Known Black History Facts. In this episode he visits blacks in medieval Germany as their castle is under siege.
The Black Moors of Germany were powerful rulers of medieval Europe, who like the other Black Moors of that continent, built castles to protect their realms and kingdoms.
Produced and Created by The Lambert Bros.
Were The Moors Black?
Europeans Seem To Think So
1, The famous writer, Shakespeare, wrote about Moors and used the
words black, negro and Moor interchangeably.
2. Chronicler Alfonso X wrote of Moors attacking Spain “One was blacker than the next”. The color of pitch.
3. Once a year European countries have festivals celebrating Moorish history and they wear blackface.
4. The Spanish word for black man is Moreno. And in Spain they do the Morisco folk dance in blackface.
5. Last but not least. Google ‘Moorish Coat Of Arms in Europe’ and watch all the black people pop up.
Salute and Raspect…..
It’s good to finally see n hear the truth about “black people” from black people! That’s why his- story is just white man’s lies n wishful thinking! However; God knows who his people really are…
Thank you, exactly!
Salute warriors and Raspect…..
Enjoyed the information $$$
So, Moors were black. They conquered, colonized and enslaved. Sounds like everything many in todayssociety despise and castigate euro-centric history, yet they are celebrated, why? I have no issues the history, or the way people did things generations and centuries ago. We have evolved from that behavior, yet if it is associated with European/white/spanish peoples, it is considered evil. How hypocritical the left and others are.
I agree that back in those days blacks had black slaves, whites had white slaves and so forth. But the point is the west hid that the Moors were black. Noted scholars and universities said Africa had no history when they knew that the Kushite empire conquered Egypt and held it for over 100 years. They knew of the Mali empire, they knew of the Kingdom of Kongo, the Swahili empire, the Benin empire and so on. The lie was so they could do horrible thinks to African people and people would say, well those people never really had anything going for them so… And THAT’S evil.
Richard, this video explains in the first 25 minutes why Moorish Invasions were ABSOLUTELY different than White European Invasions. You can go to this youtube video: https://youtu.be/KsucujN0NCs, or search “Dr. Ivan Van Sertima – Who are the Moors ?” I could tell you why, but you gotta wanna know. Enjoy the enlightenment.
If that makes you feel good but, white people invented “chattel” slavery and the evils that came along with it. When the Moors conquered Europe, they left it and it’s people much better off. WP use, abuse,steal, rape, kill, lynch, cut hands off and then mock it by making chocolate hands, etc …. After the Moors, you all actually cleaned yourselves and put your animals in pens instead of sleeping with them. So yes, slaves were taken but, the Moors didn’t destroy civilizations like WP did to natives in Africa, especially South Africa, Australia and America. You wipe people out, take over, steal all the resources, steal the land then make money off that theft, then scream equality and justice. THAT’S EVIL!!
Exactly. Truth.
The moors had black, white, brown skins. To keep on that they had 100% black skin is nonsense. If you went too North African you see people of all skin colours in the make up. Why the hell are you trying too make out that moors are all black skinned. Please get your facts right
Sure, today you see people in North Africa with brown and white skin. But they are different than the people back in the day because of white slaves imported from the Iberian Peninsula, because of mixing with Arab new comers and because of trade and colonization. But back in the day when Europeans painted and wrote about moors they always meant black people. Look up Moorish coat-of-arms in Europe and you’ll see Black people.
The Moors were not what the slave traders brought to the new world
Well, when you look at the coat-of-arms and the paintings of the Moors of that day, you can’t deny they looked exactly like the People the slave traders brought over.
‘what does “black like pitch” mean to you ?
Black like pitch means pitch black, black as tar. Why, what does it mean to you?
If I’m not mistaken, Shakespeare was a Moor as well as Beethoven and Mozart. They, like King James and Yashua have been whitewashed.
Beetoven’s mother was African and Beetoven’s portraits at least most of them changed his appearance to make him look white.
Who was Shakespeare? His identity remains a big mystery. But there is s writer in Africa called the African Shakespeare named Soyinka, but he is in Africa not in England.
Jesus looked no different than his people in Nazareth which was dark and I agree he was ‘whitewashed’
Not sure what you mean about King James, the one who authorized the KJV was Scottish.
Mozart had an ancestor that was a trader with Africa so it’s possible Mozart was part African from his great great grandfather.
I appreciate this information, I will research it more.
There were Moors/Aboriginal Americans already on the American Continent. They spoke Hebrew, and Christopher Columbus’ explorer sailer companion was Pedro Alonso Nino AKA “EL NEGRO” was a Spanish MOOR, and brought a Hebrew interprete.. He came from a famous sailing family.
There were black people already on the American continent (and all other continents) and slave ships brought some from Africa. There are Black people from N. America to S. America and the Caribbean that have ties to Western Africa through tradition (dance, music, language they kept and look). It’s not one or the other, it’s both.
There White Man are children of the fallen angels. They invaded from the north of Europe and the black people in the south, Spain, Portugal etc were the last to be eliminated. Hence some white discovered America, Africa, Asia etc. Why would America be discovered before Africa when at the time of Jesus (even way before) there was traveling all over the world.
I had no idea the Moors existed until I did my DNA on Ancestry. All I ever heard about was slavery. It was an eye opener to hear about the Moors nobility in my blood line!
LOL, the term Moor does not describe a race or ethnicity. It describes a religion more than anything, Muslims. The term Moor was used for anyone not native to that area and looked exotic. Most Muslims came from the Middle East.
Lol. The people of the time, when they said Moor they only meant Black people. It only changed in the 1500s when white supremacy start to rear its ugly head and they were starting to hide everything black that was good.