The Real Egyptians
Black people have been arguing and debating that the ancient Egyptians were blacks with scholars, historians, archaeologists, professors, teachers, authors and everyday anti-black racist for decades. The plain and simple, irrefutable proof was right before our eyes all along.
Of all the races living in Egypt today, Arabs, Greeks, Italians Turks, Europeans, Israelis and Nubians, the black Nubians are the only ones there who speak the ancient Pharaonic language of the ancient Egyptians. The Real Egyptians.

The Real Egyptians
Ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and 18th Dynasty king Tut’s black family. Tut’s sister princess Meritaten, his father the great Pharaoh Ahkenaten and his grandmother the great royal wife of Pharaoh Amenhotep lll Queen Tiye.
King Tut’s tomb was the first tomb found untouched by looter or the damaging elements. The passage of time hadn’t faded the painted walls, revealing the dark figures that represented their Dynasty.

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Also the paperback version of the black history E-Book for kids
is available on Amazon.com at a discount. Click Here
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